Norwegian C-ITS services for challenges on high volume highways

Test site for challenges on high volume highways, such as queue spillbacks from ramps and collision risk warning.

Location: E6 between Oslo and Svinesund

Testing: June 2019 – July 2020

About the site

The intersection at Patterød is a test site for C-ITS services that can prevent accidents and give the drivers information about the traffic situation. The main problem on the site is queue spill-backs from ramps because of the traffic volume, in addition to vehicles entering the highway on the exit ramp. Both challenges can lead to dangerous situations, especially because of the high speed limit on the road section.

Exit ramp in Patterød motorway intersection

C-ITS technology that detects and warn drivers about slow-moving traffic and wrong way drivers are tested on the demonstration site. The purpose is to improve road safety and build up expertise about C-ITS and communication between vehicles and between vehicles and road side units. The receiving  units are not yet integrated in today’s vehicles, therefore mobile units are placed in the test vehicles. Mobile ITS stations are also tested to find the most optimal locations of the roadside ITS stations.

Queue on the exit ramp in Patterød. Spill-back queues can lead to dangerous situations such as rear-end collisions.

Traffic ahead warning - Norwegian pilot

Connected vehicles are warned of traffic ahead.

Services implemented on the site

Road Works Warning

Hazardous Location Notifications