Information on Time To Green (Signalized Intersections)
Drivers receive information about time-to-green (and/or time-to-red) when approaching signalized intersections.
Location: Gothenburg and Uppsala
Testing: May 2019 – May 2020
Information on Time-To-Green is being piloted in two Swedish cities. The drivers receive information about the time to green light when approaching signalized intersections and thereby have the possibility to adjust the speed in order to pass through the intersections on green.

The Swedish team during tests in Gothenburg (Photo by Johan Östling)
From a technical point of view
The present standard (SAE J2735) has been investigated and an interpretation has been agreed on what should be mandatory or optional and how to define localization to get it functioning also in a C-ITS cellular context. An architecture is built where the road authority regularly sends the traffic signal information (/events) from the backend to the NordicWay Interchange network. Different stakeholders may subscribe to such information (/events) from the Interchange network.
In relation to Time-To-Green both OEMs and system integrators have created Time-To-Green functions, either integrated in the dashboard of the car or in smartphones.
Time-To-Red is also a functionality that is available and in combination with Time-To-Green the OEMs also develop smart functions to start and stop combustion engines in the most environmental and efficient way.
NordicWay 2 Traffic Signals pilot in Sweden
Information on Time To Green, Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) and Traffic Signal Priority Request are tested in the Swedish pilot cities.