Signalized Intersections
The service is to provide information to road users to support safe and efficient crossing of signalized intersections. The implementation of the use cases should increase safety and traffic flow efficiency and reduce adverse environmental effects following from erratic and stop-and-go driving.
NordicWay Presentation Signalized Intersections
The video shows an example of an implementation of the services, however the services can be implemented and used in different use cases as described below.
Road intersections represent complex traffic environments where traffic flows may be impeded in different ways, where risks for accidents are higher, and where fuel consumption and adverse environmental effects are high due to stop-and-go driving.
Providing road users with information for passing intersections should allow them to adapt their driving behaviour for safe and smooth passing of intersections.
The objective is more attentive driving.
NordicWay 3 Flagship pilots implementing this service
Traffic Signal Information & Priority
NordicWay 2 Demonstration sites implementing this service
Traffic Signal Priority Request
Information on Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory GLOSA (Signalized Intersections)
Information on Time To Green (Signalized Intersections)
Norwegian open test site for C-ITS technology
Norwegian C-ITS services for challenges on high volume highways
Expected benefits
Expected benefits include:
- More attentive and cautious driving;
- More energy efficient driving (reduced fuel consumption);
- More efficient traffic flow;
- Reduced travel time for designated vehicles;
- Improved traffic safety (reduced number of collisions and other accidents).
Use Cases
The use cases for the service include:
- Signal Violation;
- Time To Green / Time To Red;
- Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA);
- Traffic Signal Priority Request.