Emergency Vehicle Approaching
This service is to inform other road users about emergency vehicles that are approaching an accident zone, both to shorten the response time for the emergency services and to prevent incidents and accidents.
NordicWay Emergency Vehicle Approaching C ITS Service
The video shows an example of an implementation of the service.
The European Commission has classified Emergency Vehicle Approaching as a highly beneficial C-ITS Service that should be deployed quickly so that end-users and society at large can benefit from it as soon as possible.
The main objective is to provide an Emergency VehicleApproaching (EVA) warning message to vehicles before a driver can detect theemergency vehicle, visually or upon hearing the siren.
NordicWay 3 Flagship pilots implementing this service
NordicWay 2 Demonstration sites implementing this service
C-ITS deployment pilot in Finland
Norwegian open test site for C-ITS technology
Norwegian C-ITS services for challenges on high volume highways
Expected benefits
The effect desired by offering the service to road users is twofold;
• A better experience for road users and drivers by not being surprised by the sudden appearance of emergency vehicles.
• Shorter response times for emergency vehicles and a smoother and safer traffic flow when an emergency vehicle is approaching.